Jin Shin Jyutsu® Physio-Philosophy

Gentle Japanese Acupressure

The key to restore and maintain physical, mental and spiritual health and well-being is to release tensions within the body and harmonize the life energy.

Jin Shin Jyutsu, an ancient Japanese art of balancing the life energy, utilizes the body's energy pathways through 26 designated areas called Safety Energy Locks.

The practitioner's hands work like jumper cables, initiating the natural flow of life energy and awaken your innate healing capability.

Simple self-help can also support your healing process.

In each session your needs are met with a unique series of gentle holds while you lie comfortably and fully clothed on a massage table.

Jin Shin Jyutsu is beneficial for all age groups and can be used safely with any other therapy, medication and during pregnancy to address the cause of any kind of imbalance (disease).

What is a session like?

A hands-on session generally lasts 50 mins, lying face up, fully clothed and comfortably on a massage table. The practitioner starts by listening to your pulses at the wrists, which indicate your specific need in that moment. From there the practitioner applies a unique series of safety energy holds by gently touching with the fingertips those designated areas on the body. While the flow of energy is initiated and rebalanced, tensions, the cause for various symptoms in the body, will be released and clients often experience this as deep relaxation.

During the treatment you may choose to sleep, slumber, stay awake or even talk.

First & single sessions ~ $85
3 prepaid sessions ~ $222 when redeemed within 4 weeks
3 prepaid sessions ~ $240 when redeemed within 6 weeks

Payment methods: cash or internet bank transfer.

Cancellations: If you are unable to attend your appointment please give at least 24 hours prior notice to avoid the full charge for unused time.

What is the background of Jin Shin Jyutsu?

Jin Shin Jyutsu, meaning the “Art of the Creator through man of knowing and compassion”, belongs to man's inheritance from ancient times. At the beginning of the 20th century this art of healing was re-discovered in Japan by Master Jiro Murai curing himself from a life-threatening disease. Mary Burmeister (1918-2008), one of his three students, brought Jin Shin Jyutsu to the USA in 1954 and thus made it accessible to the West. Through her teachings she introduced the Art to a growing community of practitioners and users worldwide.

All practitioners and instructors are certified and registered in Scottsdale/ Arizona USA, the head office of Jin Shin Jyutsu.

Jin Shin Jyutsu

JinMan of knowing and compassion



Jin Shin Jyutsu is pronounced "jin shin juit-su".

How can I help myself?

By simply holding your fingers individually with the other hand. Start with the thumb by wrapping it with your other hand and notice if you can feel any kind of sensation. You may hold the thumb or any other finger as long as you like. As a rule of thumb you may start with 3–5min for each finger. In this way you move from one finger to the next, starting with the left fingers and then continuing with the fingers on your right hand.

Our fingers are linked to the Safety Energy Locks, the 12 organ-flows and our attitudes, hence we can harmonize ourselves anywhere and at any time by applying this profound and simple exercise.

For more self-help exercises please ask your practitioner.

Birgit Cornils-Gundermann

Birgit Cornils-Gundermann

Birgit started bodywork with Eutony (The Holistic Discovery of the Total Person) in her early twenties when she studied Music and Movement (Rhythmics) for her Masters degree at the Music Conservatory in Hamburg, Germany. Later she added NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Shiatsu to her repertoire before starting her journey with Jin Shin Jyutsu in 2004.

Trained in Germany and New Zealand she is a certified practitioner since 2006 and former Secretary of The New Zealand Association of Jin Shin Jyutsu Inc.

She is passionate about sharing the Art of harmonizing body, mind and spirit by encouraging clients to become aware of their inherent self-healing capability.

Contact Birgit for a session.

All consultations and JSJ Self-Help guidance sessions are currently taking place online.

For enquiries please contact [email protected]

Further reading…